Why We Need Your support
Why we need your support
Children learn best when the significant adults in their lives – parents, teachers, and other family and community members – work together to encourage and support them. This basic fact should be a guiding principle as we think about how schools should be organized and how children should be taught. schools alone cannot address all of a child’s developmental needs: The meaningful involvement of parents and support from the community are essential. Lifelong learning is rapidly becoming a requirement for success in the modern world. Parents and other community members can either attend classes at a school or study at home using distance learning technologies, with content supplied by their local school or by one far away. Through these networks, parents cannot only advance their own education but also demonstrate for their children that adults need to keep working at learning, too.
The biggest winners are the children. When we walk into a school and see parents and teachers working together, in all sorts of roles, it’s a sure sign that the school challenges the very best in students and helps all, regardless of race, class, or culture, realize their fullest potential.